Monday, June 2, 2014

Meat chicks update

Our first endeavor into raising a meat animal is well underway!

The meat chicks arrived March 27th. We ordered 10, day old Red Rangers. Half are ours, half are a friends. We plan on keeping them at my friends in her heated garage til they are feathered out, then when they are ready for outside life, they are going into my old chicken tractor.  I've been bothered by having it sit unused, so am glad to put it to use.

Here are a pics of the chicks when they were little.

They are currently growing quickly at my place. Here is a pic from within the last week or two.

So far, I am happy to report we only lost one chick!  They are so happy to be outside. The boys are pretty obvious, and there are a few that are HUGE compared to the others. I'll post another update after harvesting!