Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Getting better at making rugs

I'm getting getter at making the rag rug with the toothbrush method.  I'm figuring out what works and what doesn't work for me.  Below is a picture of my 2nd attempt at rug making, measuring  35in x 22in.

And my 3rd attempt, my first try at doing a round one, pictured below. It is 28 inches across. I wanted to make this one bigger, but sadly ran out of yellow material. Note to self: don't by twin sheets, they are too small! Which is a shame, because I really love the buttery yellow color of this one.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Eggs again

Well, I'm finally getting eggs again.  The hens stopped laying in November because of the low # of hours of daylight, and due to molting.  The days are finally long enough (in combination with finishing their molt) which means I got my first egg of the year last week. Right now, just one of the Rhode Island Reds (RIR's) is laying.  One of the Black Star's looks like she is about to start laying (her comb is brighter, more red than pink). I could make them lay better/longer throughout the winter by providing an hour or two  of artificial light daily, but my coop doesn't have electricity. Some people do this, but I feel like if nature intended them to take a break for the winter, so be it.