A few changes around here. I added 3 new birds to the flock (2 White Leghorns, and a Cuckoo Maran). Sadly, the Cuckoo Maran turned out to be a Roo, so he was destined for the soup pot. I had really wanted some of their dark "chocolate" colored eggs, but fate had other plans. The good news is, I found someone who wanted to breed Cuckoo Maran's, so he went to live on a farm in Olympia. So I'm down to 7 chickens (8 being the limit of what I am allowed). *Sigh* I guess I wasn't mean to have 8. Also someone posted an add recently for a breed I like/want, so am considering....
We also installed an automatic door on the chicken coop. It is the best $200 I've ever spent. It runs on batteries, and has a light sensor, so it opens/closes on its own at dawn and dusk.
I also tried my hand at making pickles. The fridge dill pickles turned out wonderfully. I also tried lactofermenting some, which didn't turn out so well - there wasn't enough liquid to cover the pickles, and they grew mold. I also tried hot canning some - I did 4 pint jars, one of which cracked while processing. The other three sealed right away (but I haven't tried them yet).
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