Thursday, January 12, 2012

Coop Commotion

So now that 2 are consistently laying, they are laying on the floor of the coop. They refuse to go up to the nest boxes, located on the 2nd floor of the coop.  I think they don't like the perch they have to get onto, to get into the next boxes.  They tend to not be able to get down. They tend to 'fall' down, which they don't like.  So I solicited help from fellow farm co-op members, and received some good suggestions and suggested modifications for the coop, which I plan on making this week.

They've been laying every other day, so I wasn't expecting them to lay today.  However, I heard a racket in the back yard, and went outside to hear the most god awful screeching from the ladies. I thought they were being attacked or were hurt. Seriously, it was that bad.  I thought my neighbors would think I was harming them! Last night I put a wood box in the coop in the spot they had been laying, hoping to encourage them to stand on the box to get to the nest boxes.  The two layers, were pissed as hell the box was in their 'laying spot' and were trying to find a spot to lay.  And, of course, squawking in displeasure.

I picked them up and put them in the nest boxes. They quickly stopped yelling, calmed down, and started to 'sit' and look broody in the nest boxes, looking like they were going to lay.  I feel better knowing they were acting like they are supposed to in the nest boxes.  Although I'm still confused,  they've been consistently laying every other day, and I was expecting any eggs today.

UPDATE:   After letting them sit in the boxes for 30 minutes, I went out to check on them.  Both had laid in the nest boxes!!!!   Yay!  We will see if they use them next time, this time I put them in the boxes, I hope next time they climb up there themselves! They both seemed to really like the next boxes, they were rearranging the bedding in the boxes to their liking.

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